Dhaka Stock Exchange: Bangladesh

625 listed companies, Exchange market cap of $72.1Billion and GDP of Bangladesh $420.52 Billion.

Colombo Stock Exchange: Sri Lanka

Colombo Stock Exchange: 296 listed companies, Exchange market cap of $12Billion and GDP of Sri Lanka $73 Billion.

Pakistan Stock Exchange

Pakistan Stock Exchange: 379 listed companies, Exchange market cap of $27Billion and GDP of Pakistan $376 Billion.

Nepal Stock Exchange

Nepal Stock Exchange: 219 listed companies, Exchange market cap of $24 Billion and GDP of Nepal $40 Billion.

Tehran Stock Exchange: Iran

Tehran Stock Exchange: 666 listed companies, Exchange market cap of $145 Billion and GDP of Iran $515 Billion.

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange: Israel

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange: 473 listed companies, Exchange market cap of $590 Billion and GDP of Israel $564 Billion.

Dubai Financial Market: UAE

Dubai Financial Market: 178 listed companies, Exchange market cap of $100 Billion and GDP of UAE $499 Billion.

Singapore Exchange

Singapore Exchange: 776 listed companies, Exchange market cap of $890 Billion and GDP of Singapore $361 Billion.

Indonesia Stock Exchange

Indonesia Stock Exchange: 777 listed companies, Exchange market cap of $655 Billion, and GDP of Indonesia $1.3Trillion.

Bursa Malaysia

Bursa Malaysia: 983 listed companies, Exchange market cap of $397 Billion and GDP of Malaysia  $447 Billion.

National Stock Exchange of India

National Stock Exchange of India: 2002 listed companies, Exchange market cap of $3.3Trillion, and GDP of India $3.3Trillion.

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Next Story: India’s Corporate Debt to GDP Ratio is Very Attractive. Corporate debt to GDP ratio is helpful indicator for investors